What is their life like today after almost twelve years together? To what do they think they owe the successes they have had? Without a doubt both of them would lay much stress on their religion. Not that they are compulsive church-goers, but liquor is never served nor allowed in their home, nor is smoking. They thoroughly frown upon promiscuity, partner-switchings, bar-hopping and separate dates. They love their home and their life together. They're just too normal even for their heterosexual friends, they say.

How did all this come about and how was it achieved? How could two people, the one coming from a background of comfortable means with a love of antiques and rare china, the other from far more modest Midwestern beginnings, adapt so well to each other?

First, of course, would come love for each other. Then, complete financial trust. They have never had

separate bank accounts nor separate ownership of anything. What they have is theirs, not his and his. Next they would put oneness of goals and ideals, and this they already had to a great degree when they met.

As to mutuality of general interests, this has come with the years. Gradually the younger of the pair has learned to acquire a great interest in and love for antiques and fine china. as great as his partner's. They visit antique and decorator shows together. They save for that new acquisition which both of them want and then are proud of together. They like to entertain for their friends, both being superlative cooks.

Today, they look enough like each other in their comfortably ample dimensions to be a younger and older brother. In fact this has earned them the title of The Twins, for few would guess the actual difference in their ages. This illustrates their view of a question that agitates so many homo-